Cory Carpenter

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Site created and maintained by carpenterca © Copyright 2017

My Portfolio

Cory Carpenter

This humble page is the center of experimentation and creativity as my showcase for all my projects from freeCodeCamp. I dream of becoming a front-end web developer, and since I mainly focused on back-end development in school, I have taken it upon myself to learn all I can to make beautiful websites I am proud of. To achieve this I decided to participate in the #100DaysOfCode challenge where the goal is to program for at least one hour each day. My intent is to further my web development skills while building up a portfolio both to prove to myself and employers what I am capable of creating.

Front-End Projects

  1. Tribute Page (July 28, 2017)
  2. Personal Portfolio Webpage (In Progress)


Unless stated elsewhere, all of the programs above are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.